_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ g__________________________.. •:n -mimiii, . mstossY op pwtoar AVON. The founders of Avon were R. Wood, 0. H. Woods, and D. N. Wright, March 5tb, 1854. It is situated in the northwestern part of the county, on the Chicago, Burlington, & Quincy railroad, and is a town of considerable trade, being situated in a beautiful and wealthy region of country. Its trade comes from the counties of Fulton, McDonough, Knox, and Warren. The inhabitants of Avon are of the best, and being supplied with an abundance of this world’s goods, enjoy life. It has some fine private residences and several churches FAIR VIEW Was laid out August 16th, 1836, by Benjamin Foster. It is a pretty little village, and does considerable local trade. The Springfield Northwestern railroad is intending to continue its line through it, which will make Fairview an important point, as it is surrounded by some of the finest farming land in the state. IPAVIA Was first called Pleasantville. It was founded by John Easley, September 16th, 1846. It is a prosperous little town on the Chicago, Burlington, & Quincy railroad, between Vermont and Lewistown. The country around it is very superior,-well improved and productive, and - the owners generally wealthy. It does a good trade, and is one of the best business points in the county. BARNADOTTE Was first called Fulton. It is situated on Spoon river. Charles Coleman laid out the town November 27th, 1885, and it was once an impoitant town, but railroads running near, and not to, it, has taken away most of its trade. It has a good water-power saw and grist mill. BRYANT Was laid out by William Hummel, April 18th, 1868. It is on the Chicago, Burlington, & Quincy railroad, and is the point where is located the Forsyth coal mining Company, which will, in time, make it a much larger town. DUNCAN CITY Was founded by Thomas Duncan, May 17th* 1867, where he has built one of the best flouring mills in the county. ELLISVILLE Was surveyed April 29th, 1836, by Levi. D. Ellis, after whom the place was named. LAUREL HILL, A station on the Rockford, Rock Island, & St. Louis railroad, and sometimes culled Table Grove, was laid, off by Jas. H. Spicer, June 10th, 1837, who built the first house within its limits, and which is Still standing. It has about 200 inhabitants, and does a good trade. The country surrounding it is very fine. LIVERPOOL Is on Illinois river. Its founders were R. E. Little, Wm. Elliott, Jos. Sharpe, T. Tarlelon, E. D. Rice, and Roger Veits, August 13th, 1836. It was once an important shipping point, but railroads have taken away its trade, and it does little business. MARIETTA Was laid off by Lorenzo Bevans and Bcnj. Hoyt, May 0th, 1837. It is a small village of probably 100 inhabitants, and contains a store, and a blacksmith and wagon shop. Is a promising little town on the Chicago, Burlington, & Quincy railroad, between Canton and Fnnnington. It is situated in one of the prettiest farming countries in the west, and has considerable trade. SMITHFIELD Is situated on the T., P., & W. R. R., between Spoon river and Cuba, in Cass township. It was laid off by J. N. Smith, May 30th, 1868, and does considerable local trade. Was first called Oberlin. James M. Onion planned it, May I7tb, 1858. It is a small place in Woodland township, doing only a small local trade. TROY, In Union township, was laid off by N. B. Childs, April 29th, 1836. It has a good water-power and grist mill, and once promised to be a place of considerable importance. WATERFORD Was laid off by James and John Jackson, March 24th, 1825. It once had good prospects, but now has no trade, and soon will be numbered among the things that were. MAPLE’S MILL, Situated on sections 10 and 11, Liverpool township, was located by Thompson Maple. Preston & Smith do a general merchandizing business. It contains a saw mill, blacksmith shop, harness shop, Ac., &c. and is surrounded by a good farming country. UTICA Is in Banner township, on section 11. It was laid off by Wire Long, in 1888. It contains four stores, two blacksmith shops, a wagon shop, a steam grist and saw mill (built in 1835- by Brooks & Coggswell, and was the first steam mill in Fulton county X and a distillery. In its early days it did a very large trade. MONTEREY Was laid out by Jacob Weaver, P. Marklcy, and David Tarr, on section 4, in Banner township. May 21st, 1850. It contains two stores, one blacksmith and wagon shop, a harness shop, church, and school house. Monterey does an unusual amount of business for a town of its size. BABYLON MILLS Ib situated on the bank of Spoon river, on section 14, in Lee township. It contains one good flouring mill, one saw mill, one grocery store, o blacksmith shop, and six dwelling houses This place was located by Phillip Elsworth in the year 1845, who built the first house and erected the mills These mills were owned by four or five different persons, until the year 1864, when Joseph Markley purchased them, and expended large sums of money in putting them in thorough repair, and tbey now do a first-class business. There is a good ferry o' Spoon river at the mills.