TOWNSHIP Township 7 X SAMFORO BRANCH Jfanna*^L 4. .PSw&lft,on. -Jh'oDowtUs Samuel\A. JjiUie Thos Mitchell n)fc$yA& 'JhttiharV. EF* Brent nstaU Snider E GBuali J Leu is Blanchard 'Aper- JHTayU iBYLON WWBl’ole forris&GurdiuA ^ Jno Doug la.' L Curtis ■ D B lincf.ffiitby. M Wallirk. Samuel Wallidt J LB 1). Man rose- R\tfiWdL^osUr Rp Osborn ■Ojch/irilJbslfr Daniel-1\ M Tthbroo/c B L PauTT K t. Pauli ’rsorn \Wanmm LES TOWNSHIP. Stephen Rigdon was the first settler in Leo Township, locating on Section 36, Oct 4,1834. The Christians in 1835 organized the first church. The first School house was built in 1839, and the first teacher was iSHsabeth Moon. The first Saw and Grist Mill was erected by P. Aylesworth in 1837, it lays there still. In 1838 Salt was tour dollars per bushel. In 1844 Wheat was 25 cents per bushel, and Com 61 cents. The Township was organised into an election precinct in 1841 with 13 voters, 8 of them are still living in the Township, viz: Philip Aylesworth, John Bell, Richard Osborn, Harrison Rigdon, Joci'Pbirson, Willie® Hendry, Almon Tainter, David Leeper.. MAP OF 't A: ,.s 1