H T.-s/fihikes he • V.K. f. Stillin' WnvK‘V?l)ei'nu>k -ffTf/Li t % „■ G-rotnemlyke- Thar, '■ lirt Vo - 1£DIC\ Js.Canv 1.1.(Illllt W.XlVanoui 'ante- MAP or Jl^LH YXM jy TOWMHMIP Township 8 N. Range 3 E. W- KUcJirnVL ^ I 4 ■ liir. 1™ -Asher r.’M.rr.ty® m ■ i i i a Wilson., --4- n P. Ten- Eyck- h€l*J If $3 y ; ? s ? jwfccvt/ %T V IsS . ! ri j is / ife 1m ■ ■ 2— I ft(i,pfj(( he “H is: / \ / ® V.A.Parhs «$ . fly y V i llS j Y Ifoi MW h til* 4ii|M >r_ Is®? g| j ' ' | . .Sprr^ A'/O;} ?! •"5 ^ , •if Ss&hj 4'V° . "5 H3J ' , • , ■ ■is&Mtd V- i er ~«L= 1— ■(■BiaaBMi ; 2‘J anBSBiBSiiB ^ 1 3 % i x: Fairview v l« s J, v V . 1, ■, » > / ijllf / ! Rich a, ,/ Ft V .... ii ? 1 plAXH-VTBW TODrarSHIP. Mathias Swecslo is beliesed to havo hoon the first settler in Fairview Township. He was a native of New Jersey. He settled at the head of Sweezle Creek, five miles north of the present village of Fairview, about the year 1829. He was the first justice of the peace. He was a very eccentric man. He made a wooden cannon to use against the Indians during the Black-hawk war. He was a strong Methodist, his house being the general rendezvous for Methodist preachers in an early day. His weight was over three hundred pounds. In 1849 he moved to Oregon. The first church was organised in Fairview in 1837, by Rev. A. D. Wilson of the Dutch Reformed ChurcB. The church was built in 1838, and is still well preserved. The first mill was built on Coal Creek, in 1837 and was known as Harney’s mill or corn-cracker. The stones were native hard-heads. It was also Used for sawing lumber.