ASTORIA TOWNSHIP—Continued. Renner Win....... Hawley Noah...... Roberts W. D..... Steel James...... Stockham D. M... Shelly S. II..... Sharp J....... Snowden J. B Sparks James C. Seymore Lewis .. Smith Lemuel.... Spore Cr R. ... Severn's'Jatfles T. Anderson Allen.... Abbadusky John.. Alcott Henry...... Burnett Geo....... Bennett S. B...... Cook John......... Cook Joseph....... Olayberg S. S..... Onrtis J. D....... Cypher Clias. W.. Dailey Wm. II..... Dowuin J. S....... Davis James... .... Dunn J.’H......... Field J. T........ Groendyke Samuel Grimm Mary A.... Groendyke Willi fin Gourley Samuel... Harden W. F..... Ililpot H. F..... Hoagland Peter... Heddon Susan M. Bartongh H. H... Hiller John M.. Uedden Thos.,. J oral m an J. S.-... Levis Geo. Wi..-Luman W. S..... Latourette Peter.. Lowe Henry Vi*. Leaverton T..... * [Section 4. [Farmer lOhio. ... [Section 13. Farmer. j Virginia .. Astoria Shoemaker...., Kentucky , ; Astoria, Merchant Ohio Astoria. ,... Merchant [Ohio Astoria. ... iTeacher .... -Virginia ., Section 26. Farmer iNew York Section 5. [Farmer .... Virginia ... Section 11. [Farmer .... [Ohio .. .., Section 13.: Farmer .... Canada.... j Section 12.: Farmer .... Ohio. .... [Astoria. ... Teacher :•....... '...'.- Ohio 1 Astoria. ... 'Carpenter lOliio PLEASANT TOWNSHIP NAMES. j RESIDENCE. . BUSINESS. NATIVITY. | • Beers Jabez. -. . .. ... Ilpavia. ...‘Farmer ... . 11857 Branson Calvin ... Section 7. Farmer Babcock Ohas. E . ... | Section 14. Farmer ......' Ball J. T . >. ipavia. ... . |Phvsician . Ohio Bacon J. W: ... .Ipavia. ... jPhysician Illinois;..... 1844 Babcock VV m ... Section 23. Farmer Babcock Wm. B ... |Seetion 15. |Teacher lOhio r. Craig J. D.-. . . .- ... lipavia. ... [Blacksmith ......... [Pennsylvania . 1846 Cooper Geo. O ..-. [ (section 23. 'Farmer Pennsylvania . 1848 Cooper C. G . . [Section 21 .Farmer . 1849 Oattron J. B ... ISection 5.1 .... .... . 1841 Chicken J. N ...[Ipavia. ... [Cabinet. Maker lOhio . 1856 Cadwalader R. R ... [ipavia. ... [Clerk .: 1850 Cooper Willisin H ... Section 21. [Farmer Fulton County. .1839 Elder John J ... |Ipavia. ... Grain <& Stock Dealer jOhio . . 1860 Easley John ... [Ipavia. ... ■ Retired Virginia .11832 Elliott Joseph ... Section 34 'Farmer [Illinois . 1844 Ferguson James .. .Ilpavia. ... Minister Pennsylvania.. . 1840 Frei ley J ohn ... Section 36. [Farmer Kentucky .1835 Grewell V. M ... [Section 4. Farmer Ohio .1846 G.u sfcim e W. A ... [Ipavia. ...Miller Illinois .1840 Hager David ... [Section 6. Farmer Ohio .[1854 HuTit N.. _. ... |Ipavia. — [Grocer&Queensware. Ohio . jl 856 Harding David.., ... Section 28.[Cabinet Maker Maryland .|l848 Hunt Hiram ... [Section 2. Farmer New York .1838 Howell Nathan A ... Section 30. [Farmer Ohio ......... . 11862 Kost Solomon.'. ... [Hotel Pennsylvania . .11848 Kinney Stephen. Kline Mary M... Lacy John.-...... Larimore I. M... Lovell James_____ Liming O. P.... Morloy Lucius... McCune Joseph L Marshall S. P.... Maxwell J. H .. McMullen H.... Parkinson James. Phelps C. S...... Point William W. Porter Samuel____ Pavey & Tratt... Parr Lack well... Qnillin E....... Roberts Abram.. Ray M W...... St rouse Solomon. Shuman John... ,| Slack James T.... Swartzbaugh Geor; Thompson Alledge Tipley Henry.. Wood Oliver.... FAIRVIEW TOWNSHIP . IFairview... |Farmer...........jOliio.......... . Section 30. Farmer.............Maryland \. .. . Section 26. Farmer.............Ohio............ . Section 18. Farmer.............iVirginia........ .Fairview... Physician & Surgeonjlllinois...... . j Section 6 | Farmer............Pennsyl vania .. . [Fairview... Cabinet Maker.....Germany . ... . Fairview.. . Physician & Surgeon Illinois....... . [Fairview... Physician & SnrgeonlNew York....... .IFairview... Painter............'IVirginia ...... . I Section / 8 Farmer............New Jersey ... .Section 4. 'Farmer..............iMarylaml........ . 'Section .35.[Farmer........... [Pennsylvania. . . [Section 7.[Farmer.............Illinois. ...... . Fairview... 'Painter............New Jersey... . Section 25. [Farmer ... ........INew Jersey ... .[Section 10 [Fanner....... [Ohio...............-. . [Section 20.[Farmer.............'New Jersey ... . [Section 19. Farmer ............Pennsylvania .. . ISection 9. Farmer.............[New 1 ork....... . Fairview.. . General Merchant... Pennsylvania ., .[Fairview... Farmer ............[New jersey.... . I Section 30. Fanner ....... .. [New J erscy.... Section 33. iFarmer&stoek dealerjNew Jersey..-. . Section 19. [Farmer......v.....'Bavaria......... . Section 22.IFarmer.............Pennsylvania . Fairview... Minister...........,Ncw York........ . Fail-view... Hotel.............New Jersey.... Section 6 Farmer... ............Ohio............ . Section 16.[Farmer.............[New Jersey... ,. Fairview... Carpen ter......... New Jersey.;.. . Section . 2. .Carpenter........iNorth Carolina. [1859 • 1856 [1836 ■ 1834 [1850 j; 1856 !1852 it |lS63 [I860 i I1S58 || 1852 | 1846 . 1837 1840 1856 . 1836 1841 '1849 . [1856 1852 . 1856 l| , 1868 1852 .1838 1855 ; i set; , I860 1817 1834 1849 1867 .1868 Lance J. K... Lamb Isaac.... Mundwiler Fredric McCombs Andrew Morse T. M....... Martin Daniel.... Negly J. B....... Parks J ames J___ Parks David A.... Parks Eliiii..... Pumyea Theodore. Palinerton Harvey Patten James..... Quin C........... Rodormer Daniel. Sweeglc Daniel... Shreeves David.. .-Spiss John....... Smith Jonathan... Swigerf G. W_____ Sleic-h Domini.... Tipton Thomas.... Turner Eli*ha W.. Voorhets Abram.. Van Liew John... Van Dorn Abram. Wilson jr., A. D.. Wyekoff1 John S,. Wyekoff Simon... Wilson H. M. B.. Wyekoff Jos.... Wilson John E..... !■>£ | NAMES. RESIDENCE. | BUSINESS. NATIVITY, i --jSS? 1842 || Switzer Jacob . [Section 35. jFfirmor .J ..iVirginia . 1847 1859 || Sayres Lemuel . ISection 27.1 Farmer . jOhio. . jl835 1865 || Sharp Benton . Section 26.[Farmer . . Illinois........ .11840 1854 Swope Jacob .... . [Section 11. [Farmer .•.'Pennsylvania. 1865 -|| Tyrer James D . i Astoria ... [Physician Illinois .11832 1856 || Trone John . Section 28. Farmer . Pennsylvania . .1856 : 1837 || Turner Thomas . | Astoria .. IFarmer . [Pennsylvania . .1854 1858 Tyner J. \V 1 Astoria Railroad Man .{Florida .1870 1851 || Wilsrni Jephtliah... . Seel ion 9. 'Farmer . ' (Ohio . 11847 1867 | Walters Lewis; . Section 8. [Farmer . Pennsylvania. .{i860 1858’ |i Waddell M. D . Section 29 .'Farmer -. .. . Illinois . (1852 1870 |i 1841 II Wright - Joseph . Section 32. i Farmer . Ohio .1854 | RRSIDENCE. j - Ilpavia ,... .Section 6 . Section 4 . 1 pavia___ . [.Section 9 . Section 31 . [Ipavia. ... . Ilpavia.... . Ipavia.... . Section 6 . Section 25 . Section 3 . Ipavia.... . Ipavia.... Section 22 . [Ipavia.... . Section 32 . ilpavia.... .[Section 11 .[Section 14 .[Section 12 .'Section 11 . Ipavia.... . j Section 31 . Section 22 . Section 22 . Ipavia . IFarmer.;...... Farmer........ Farmer........ I Druggist..... Farmer........ IFarmer........ Dry Goods..... Merchant. .... [Ohio.... ....... ... Pennsylvania.. .. ,|-New York.. ... [Illinois..... ... IVirginia.... .. . Ohio.. . . Ohio . . Ohio. Lumber&grain dealer Ohio,'..... Plasterer.........Pennsylvania . iFarmer... iFarmer... Merchant. Druggist . [Farmer... Hardware. Fanner... Minister. I Plast erer . [Farmer. iFarmer. I. Ohio. . .Illinois. .. . [Pennsylvania . . Ireland....... . [England..... . [Pennsylvania . .Virginia...... • [Ohio........ .iNorth Carolina Pennsylvania. 'Grain & Stock DealcrjPennsylvania Millwright & Miller.'New Jersey . [Carpenter.......... Pennsylvania IFarmer............[England. .. . [Farmer............Illinois... Cabinet Maker......'Ohio........ I TO CP. . 1842 .1857 .1837 [ 1870 .1834 .1851 . 1845 .1837 . 1832 . 1853 JI840 . 1836 1866 . 1856 . 11869 . (1857 . 11859 .11850 .1856 . 1844 .1852 .11843 . 11854 .[1851 .1846 . i1852 1 RESIDENCE. [Section 1 [Section 31 Section i Section , Section 2 ! Section 19 j Section 36. [Section 19 ! Section 9 , Section 20 iSection 34 I Section 23 .Section 23 [Section 31 Section 21. Section 16 Section 4 Fairview. ; Section' 25 [Section 29 Section 32 jSection 3 [Section 21 Fairview.. [Section. 32. [Section 3. [Section 9. 'Fairview... Fairview... Fairview... Fairview... [Section 32. BUSINESS. . iFarmer.......... Coal Dealer...... Farmer_______ . IFarmer........ . Farmer.......... . Farmer. ......... . Fanner........ ... . Farmer..... Farmer........... . -Farmer.......... , [Farmer. ........ , Farmer.......... Miner............ Farmer.'......... Farmer..........., Farmer........... Surveyor ....... Stoves & Tinware.. Farmer........... , Farmer.......... . iFarmer...... .... . Stock Dealer.-...... Farmer........... Grocer............ 'Farmer........... •Farmer...... [Farmer...... Justice of the Peace Fanner........... Fanner........... Miller........... Farmer........... ,. Pennsylvania. .. Indiana..... ,. Pennsylvania .New York;., . New York.. . Germany."..., . Pennsylvania', . New Jersey., .New Jersey.. ..[New Jersey.. .INew Jersey.. . New York .. . England ...... . 'Ohio ...... . ■ .-.New Jersey.. . New Jersey . . Pennsylvania . . Germany .. .. . Ohio .. ...... . Pennsylvania . . 'Germany . .... ..Ohio .... ..... . Pennsylvania . . New J ersey . . New Jersey.. New Jersey.. . New Jersey.. . New Jersey.. . New Jersey.. . New Jersey',. . New Jersey.. .New Jersey.. ..11837 .. [1841 .. 1866 ... 1855 ..1839 .. 1855 ..1844 ..1849 ..1849 ... [1849 .. 11836 .. rl835 ;. 1864 .. 1837 .. 1847 ..1888 .. k855 .. [1855 ..1837 .. 1851 .. 1855 .. 1840: .,1842 ..11847-. .1854 .. 1847 .. 1838 .. 1837 ■ • 1865 .. 11835• ,. 1855c ..1835