l: msL. AVKie/dcr \j.C.WhUc rspi Farm in W’l'&'IJf.Lccper Fitti-hnt' /l.B Thorna* Wm. /L. J. Jacob u- '■Xw&Ofr sLRci H.D. Jforfo) IP JVyers TPT TE.Tticket* i E.P.C-v/.cf/i-iui W’P'Laapc ^ Ntjrri's \ \ \ The first settlement of Farmington Township was made by Joaiah Merchant, on the 10th day of October, 1827, in a cabin 12 x 14 feet, built by David Harkness. In the winter and spring preceding this, Seth Littler and Joseph Brown built a cabin, but left soon after for the Lead Mines. The first sermon was preached by Rev. Asa D. West, a local Methodist preacher, in Josiah Merchant’s cabin, in 1828. In 1833 the first School-house was built near the centre of what is now the city of Farmington. The first school was taught by Isaac Cutter, in one of Ahira Jones’ cabins. The following is a list of prices in 1828: Coffee, 20 cents per pound; Whiskey, 62i cents per gallon; Salt, $1.50 per bushel; Wheat, 50 cents; Corn, 25 cents; Pork, $1.50 per cwt.; Bacon, $6.25 per cwt.; a cow and palf, $10.00; and labor 50 cents per day. Farmington is a beautiful township, with excellent improvements, well watered and timbered, and inhabited by an unusually moral and industrious people. Si---=--. . ■ ____ ■■ : - .... .................................... ............................................................................................. m MAP OF Q hi TOWNSHIP Range 4- E. CAftmaZil/iai/mfi/w/ff fa