INDEX Astoria, plat of................... Alcott, Henry, view of residence.. Ackerman, Cornelius, view of residence Avon, plat of.......................] Ash. 8. W., view of residence....... Addis, Aaron I)., view of residence... Astoria township, plat of and history Astoria township, our subscribers in. ^ Beadles, N., view of residence.............. Butler, C. 0., view of residence............ Bryant, plat of............................. Brearley's Mill, view of.................... Bell's Block, Canton, view of............... Blackadore's Block, Canton, view of......... Banner township, map of and history......... Banner township, our subscribers io......... Buckbcart township, map of and history______ Buckbcart township, our subscribers in...... Barnadotle township, map of and history_____ Uarnadotlu township, our subscribers in..... Berry, H. C., view of his block............. Bordner, Jonathan, view Of residence........ Burgelt, I). A., view of residence.......... Boro tier, Moses, view of residence......... Barnes. J. W., view of hotel................ Burgelt. Hiram.............................. Bordner, O. W., view of residence........... Babcock, William, view of residence......... Bailey, E., view of residence............... Barnadotte, plat of......................... Branson, Calvin, view of residence.......... Belts & Co., W., view of store and residence. Baugbtnan, H. W.. personal bistory of....... Bailey, Evan, personal history of.......... Beadles, N., personal history of............ Birgc, Luther, personal history of.......... Bell, Or. Arthur, personal history ol....... Burbridgc, Major 8. C., personal history of . Barnes, G. 8., personal history of.......... Bristol, Riley, personal history of......... BarricrtvG., personal history of............ Barnes. John N., personal history of........ Berry, Henry C., personal history of._____ Brocd, Sands N., personal history of........ Bordner, Jonathan, personal history of....... George, A. T., view of residence....... Green, John 8., view of residence...... Grcwell, V. M., view of residence....... ■ Harlougb, H. 11„ view of residence........... Hatch, J. B, view of residence............... ; Hitmcnover. George, view of residence........ ’ Hinkle, 8. R., view of residence............ Hoffman & Son, view of wagon manufactory.. Harris township, map of ana history.......... Harris township, subscribers in.............. I Harris, E., view of store, Lewistown......... | Harris, H. H., view of residence.............. i Hepsloy, N., view of residence............... Harris, J. II.. view of residence............ Hezlcp, James, view of residence............. Hamer, Thomas, view of store................. I Ilulet, N., view of resideuco................ 1 Hindcrllter, William, view of residence...... j Hiwluflltcr. B., view of residence........... I Hull, Dr. Alexander, personal history of..... 'Hem. novcr, Wm. H, personal history of...... Huff. R, personal history of................. Hagaiman. Isaac, personal history of......... Heaton. Morgan, personal history of......... Hinderiiter, Win., personal history of....... Hlnderliter, Bastrus. personal history of..... Heller, John, personal history of............ Ingersoll, J. W., view of store, Canton...... Isabel township, map of and history.......... Isabel township, subscribers in.............. Ipava, pint of............................... Ingersoll, John W., personal history of...... Joshua township, map of and history.. Joshua township, subscribers in...... Johnson, I. C., view of residence.... Jones, A., personal history of....... Point Isabel, plat of...................... Public School Houses, Canton, view of....... Public School Houses, Lewistown, view of.... Public School Houses, Farmington, view of., Picrsoll, T. J., view of residence........... Putnam township, map of and history.......... Putnam township, subscribers in.............. Piersoll, John H„ view of residence.......... Preston Hiram, view of residence............. Presbyterian parsonage, Lewistown, view of.. Presbyterian church, Lewistown, view of.... Pleasant township, map of and history........ Pleasant township, subscribers in............. Pond, Win. 11., view of drug store........... Phelps, Myron, personal history of........... Phelps Capt. Win , personal history of....... Prichard, Robert, personal history of........ Proctor, William, personal history of........ Petrie, P. W., personal history of.. Piersol, Joel, personal history c___ Phelps, E. II., personal history of.. Quillin, E., view of residence.-. w of residence...... w of old residence.. Canton, plat of.......... ............ Canton township, map ol and history.. "—'■ unship, our subscribers in_______ Chapin, M. B., Curtis, J. D., view Cowman, David, v Cuba, plat of..... Churchill, C. B.. i 1 of residence. J residence...... r of residence.. Hi of residence........... Craig, M., view of residence................ Canton Fair Grounds......................... Casa township, map of aod history........... Cass township, our subscribers in........... Kutchlcr, James, view of residence.. Kline, D. M., view of residence..... Keeling, H., view of residence...... Keeling, H., view of store.......... Kost, Abram, view of residence....... Rerun . Kirkbride, D., personal history of..... Kinney, T. J., personal history of.__ Kidder, A. and J., personal history of.. Laurel Hill, plat of.................... Liverpool township, map of aod history... Liverpool township, subscribers In...... • Liverpool, plat of..................... Leo township, map of and history......... Reference table............. Richards, A. W., view of resin! Richards & Co., A. W., view, ol^stJ Ross, L F., Gen., v* Ross, L. W„ Hon., Ross, L. W., Hon., Ross & Soil, view i.......................... Ross, H. L., view of residence............... Randolph, Washington F., view of residence.. Rohrcr, Henry, view of residence............. Randolph, John F., view of residence......... Hawaii, James, view of residence............. Ross, Lewis W., personal history of.......... Richards, A. W., personal history of......... Ross, H. L., personal history of............. Robuck, Elizabeth, personal history of....... Ross, L. F., personal history of............. State Map of Illinois................. Stetson, George, view of residence.... Smithficld, plat of................... Sebrec, C. \V., view of residence..... St. Augustine, plat of................ Standard, Thomas, view ofresidence.. Smith, J, view of residence........... Smith, Wm. H., view of mills.......... Shipton, J. R., view of residence..... Simms, James, view of residence....... Shape, S. P., view of residence....... Standard House, Lewistown, view of.. Smith, Jacob L., view of residence.... Sharp, J., view of residence.......... Stipp, James H., personal history of... Terwilliger, A., t Troy, plat of.............-................... Turner, James, view of residence.............. Throckmorton, E. B., view of residence........ Trickey. C. D., personal history of........... Thomas, A. B., personal history of............ Thornton, S. Y., personal history of.......... Union township, map of and history............ Union township, subscribers in.....;.......... Union Office, Lewistown....................... Utica, plat of...............................I Vermont, plat of.............................. Vermont 'ownsliip, plat of and history.....! Vermont township, subscribers in.............. Voorliees, R. S.. view of residence..........’ Van Doren, John K., vieiy of residence........ Voorhces, H. V. D, view of residence.......... Woodland townshi p, map of and bistory........ Woodland township, subscribers in............. Waterford, plat of............................ Wyckoff, Joseph, view of residence ..........[ Williams, David, coal works................... Whitmore, H. J., view of residence............ Wbitnah, A. J., view of residence............. Woolen Mills, Lewistown, view of.............. Wert man. John, view of residence............. Willcoxen, J. C-, view of residence....-...... Willcoxen, J T, view of residence............. Wells, S. T, view of residence............ Wright, G., view ofresidence.................j Waterford township, map of and history. Waterford township, subscribers in............. Willcoxen, James G., personal history of. Willcoxen. Mrs Charlotte, personal history of” Williams, David, personal.history of.......... Whitmore. H J, personal history of............. Wells, S. T., personal history- of......." ”!! Whitaker Geo., personal history of........... \ Walker. N., personal history of...........| Young Hickory township, map of and history_____ Young Hickory township, subscribers in..