wllili ' mm k 0?C^Kfc&*.> ■) < Cjirr'CsotL* Afin-efr; ZL-tam M Iht rt hi a -x i GW hi isle ■ •fi. Murrisoh- tyilsoiuMODaiiicl 1 obi ins ,5 Mr?, naUv/a Township 5. N «iaa« T^sHip Range I E of 4Ih P M. ■« lift ^ ‘58* ft -3» ,3 JTT | ®J?. lllll' jy$.BieetLy rtV4 m- iii |r^> s y|| f t §1*1? ¥• <& 5 94 |Jj8| f. wk H E.Chenbn&kk ii tm -ft H vc ■ jfllf S’ vJs I I 'Ajsc. ISp- ■ pA. |||f mmm pp§ III? %pA>\ *V- •\VV V PI y y* • ■ -V ■.» jp 1—r W s>- ft % Is • $ <,,■'4- “v^rfi felfl 81 ^t; filfol g®f! IMfi 5^.?, ^ •. ,»v I ( m 5—-H yi |-^Af S2\V'i as jM " John Barker, the firet settler, came in. 1829. The first church was of the Baptist denomination, and was organized June 9 1835 «a , u ' ■ , John Clajbpugh was the teacher. The benches were made of split logs, and the floor of puncheons. The fire-place occupied one side of the ho , ' 01!8e waa bui,t (a 8111911 log cabin) in 1833, and one side. Farmers Township is a beautiful township, of laud, well watered and timbered. It has a splendid soil, and its improvements are of the W ^Th r° « °°n8isted of a loS being removed from built across one corner of it within the last two years, and the town of Laurel Hill is becoming a good place for business. Ahe Kockford- Rock Island & St. Louis Railroad has been |