Town ship 0 N. 0: c',Wysjong j/rij./j 'Francis Put mat I'Jmr ill's on Put. man \iiam Putman [■Moran iBafycoc} C B Churchill■ ■tf'fPutmaiL ll 'iil in in $ ‘/P&q' ■jfcS Churchill is\ fi I. Newton. Ja* &Jm Georgt wit Sam1 Cluyburg J). Oviatt Oviatt PjConlej) H Cl , OjF ffizydeiv -A Slum ■S'lflGorha in, \Cs!iiar& Milton Jonas Morgan. Danh JIXP E-mmei W 0. Morgan C.H.Bishop^ I? C Wilso n■ P. Connor fZtSkaur 'Jq^C'-iBaixlau MAP OF TOWNSHIP IMIM f^Sjroi « m V$!Ph0?Hoar ,r i ill 1 M Is w f V. itL w Range SE.of 4®PM. mm mm rMi$' m$k & * Thompson. .'>• A / tptpson A ^ L g * ja kjl ft? 1 ■ IS Beading Putman male the fleet eettlement in this Townahip, on the S. E. quarter Sec. 2, in 1823. Soon after and before 1830, other lettlementa trere made on aootione 1, 2,10,11,12, 14, 10 and 23, by Stephen Strickland, John Holoom, William Pennon, (all of whom were “Hard Shell” Baptiet preachers.) Hugh and Absalom Maawell, Aael T. Ball, Stephen Evelund, Salmon Sherwood,’Seth Hilton,David Haeke, Elijah and William Putman, Asa and Samuel Mallory, Hirah Saunders, Levi Millard and Andrew Lnnwclt: Ephraim Brown laid out Middletown in 1834, and Joel Solomon at of., laid out Oontroyille in 1836, both on N. W. quarter Seo. 20. These are now called Cuba. The first Grist mill was built by Jacob Ellis on Big Creek, See. 35, in 1824. The first marriage was Asel T. Ball to Rebecca Ellis, Feb. 20,1825. Seth Hilton was the firat Justice of the Peace, William Putman, probably taught the first scltqpl in a small log house on See. 11. The first church was erected in Centrerille in 1840—owned first by the BampbeUitee, bnt soon after and now by the Methodists. Henry S. Hyatt was the first Supervisor, and Chairman of the firat board of Supervisors, in 1850. This township was 'named in honor of Reading Putman, the first settler. Population at present 1676. Legal voters 315. ChmfoLiltitfnfh tug fa