■ tonii W.Joh n.-ion RjvfiAiti. JlWietA JoiuiJtMli 1 TOTr£RE?B^Q SPAdM ^i/nsonS^ •Jamt’s Ti/r'ner Herr \Dismtnr ri^>;HEnafi” a4- 0E3ET5 "\smmur ^ (;SGfBg ? 'yfafjtftan v YtuiMiddlestrorL .7)rcan\ % ('Tompkins, f/enn’Wuoe. \Jl-P(ksUeJht, M Mo ills by Ptit-rry J:C.T/t. tlet. Gjj&Fooir mSIlEB Township 8 X. V v MAI* OF TOWNSHIP Range 5 li of 4° J'Jf. «”l 1 . 1 ■ V IL ■■■.": / „ft |i E|i 1 It 1 pm || ~JT f Zk; f f i nBa U V ■’■\U VJ y re 1830. Richard Tompkins ™ tbs first * « t* .*1 J • , , , . , , *>° . „ -Dannei 10WnsniP> although very broken on one side, and on the other, low lands and lakes vet has many very fHBpBBBjftB bj “ ,"d“Sto0M 1 *• rf M a* —*■ * end tr&ter, and, being on the’lllinoi. Ll l Jesse