Fernando M. Reimers et a]. is better than the present we are passing on to them. Such process of rei— magining education is one that needs serious and concerted efforts of many. It needs to involve students, parents and community members, and many teachers and those who support their work. The framework we have offered in this book is intended to support such process of reimagining and col- laboration. We have used a Creative Commons license to disseminate this work to facilitate the deepest possible forms of collaboration among teachers as professionals in building upon our work. In order to succeed globally in educating all students to be empowered global citizens, we will need to see unprecedented collaboration leading to collective intelligence about how to do this. This book is only a small step in that ambitious and necessary glob— al effort to align education with the aspirations reflected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the Sustainable Development Goals. We conclude this book with deep hope that from those beginnings will emerge a world in which we can all live in Peace, with one another, and with all forms of life on this earth. 422 UNWERSITY H.s. UBRAR"