Empowering Global Citizens 23. National catastrophes (cyclone) 24. National catastrophes (earthquakes) 25. National catastrophes (island flooding) 26. National catastrophes (coastal flooding) 27. Air pollution 28. Biodiversity loss SOCIETAL RISKS 29. Pandemics 30. Infectious diseases 31. Chronic diseases 32. Liability Regimes 33. Migration TECHNOLOGICAL RISKS 34. Critical informanon—infrastructure breakdown 35. Nanoparticle toxicity 36. Data fraud/loss Students examine in a whole—group discussion how each of these global risks relates to an emerging technology and the extent to which the risk can be managed and how. Students review Design for Change (https://www.tes.com/worldslargestlesson/ taking-action/) and Design Thinking and discuss the following TED Talk by Tim Brow: httpS://www.ted.com/talks/tim_brown_urges_designers_to_think__ big?language=en. Then, individually or in small groups, students select one of the Sustainable Development Goals and analyze how the problem area that the goal ad— dresses (e.g., poverty, hunger, health, education, etc.) has been addressed in the past by technological developments. The students then discuss how 417