Empowering Global Citizens Overview In this unit, students examine the changes in the rate of technological devel— opment, discuss the concept of singularity, examine alternative approaches to stimulating technological innovation, and develop an idea for a way to address a global challenge using an emerging technology. ACLiVlty TIG.4.1 Film Discussion: Transcendent Man This film introduces the ideas and contributions of Ray Kurzeil and is based on his book 7796 Singularity is Near (http://transcendentman.com/). Students will watch and discuss the film, focusing in particular on the con— cept of exponential growth in information technology and on the notion that it will lead to the merging of humans with machines. The film examines advances in genetics and the possibility that genetics will allow us to repro— gram biology, eliminate diseases, and extend life. Students will also engage in a discussion on the concerns raised by critics of the film. Teacher Resource ° Kurzweil, Ray. 2005. The Singularity is Near: When Humans Nanscena’ Biology. New York: Viking. ACEiVity TIG.4.2 Global Challenges and Technological Innovation This is an in—class research activity. First students watch a TED talk on the biggest challenges facing humanity: (http://www.ted.com/talks/nick_ bostrom__on__our_biggest_problems.html).