Unit Topic Fernando M. Reimers et al. TIGA The Acceleration of Technological Change and the Future Themes Work and mind habits: innovation and creativity; knowl— Region Length edge: politics (global risks); investigative and analytical skills; assessing global affairs: evaluate sources, the use of evidence, and creative communication; and global problem solving: future studies, scenario building, and the use of technology Not applicable Four weeks Goals and Objectives 1. 3. Learn to understand the exponential rate of technological develop— ment, the implications of this acceleration for our ability to address social challenges, and the concept of singularity proposed by Ray Kurzweil. Inspire students to engage in the utilization of technology to ad— dress social purposes that are meaningful to them. Evaluate a development that addresses a global challenge and is based on an emerging technology. Skills and Knowledge Students will recognize the exponential nature of technological de— velopment and the ability of smaller groups of people to design in— novative solutions to global challenges through approaches such as the XPRIZE. Students will identify the concept of singularity. Students will explain and describe the ways in which a current glob— al challenge can be ameliorated or solved through the use of an emerging technology. 414