Empowering Global Citizens AofivfiyiiGliiO InHoduoUonlI)RobonosznuiArufioHnInuflhgenee Students will examine the evolution of Kismet, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Robots. In small groups students will spend time researching the work of MITS ar— tificial—intelligence group on Kismet, which is documented in numerous Videos here: http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/sociable/videos.html. The teacher will then lead a discussion on robotics and artificial intelligence. Students can also watch the following videos, which can serve as introduc— tions to the field of robotics: 0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?V=Iqf5hHdphX4 0 http://www.y0utube.com/watch?v=QKyDrUonp98 Watson. IBM’s supercomputer. Students will watch the following short Video from CBS on Watson and on the ongoing efforts to use it in health care: http://www.youtube.c0m/watch ?v=950fbQfdoj88£feature=fvst T he teacher will then lead a discussion on the likely positive and negative outcomes of using computers to reduce errors in diagnosis, and students will speculate on the likelihood that machine—based diagnosis can extend these services universally. Resource ° http://www.technologyreview.com/video/?Vid=689 413