Empowering Global Citizens Activity TIG.3.6 Introduction to Brain-Computer Interfaces, Neurotechnology, and Medicine The teacher will explain how brain—computer interfaces work (http://com- puter.howstuffworks.com/brain—computer-interfacehtm). Then he or she will show and discuss with students the following video from CBS: http:// www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/l0/31/60minutes/main4560940.5html. From the basic science, the teacher will move on to the contemporary applica— tions ofbrain—computer interfaces. The students can watch a video on DEKA re- search and robotic arms (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0_mLumX—6Y). Resources 0 http://wvvw.youtube.com/watch?v=NIG47YgndP88Csearch=brain ' http://www.technologyreview.com/video/?Vid=689 To conclude this activity, each student will individually write a short es— say summarizing brain—computer interfaces and neurotechnology. Students will write a short essay summarizing the history and the current state of brain-computer interfaces and discussing their current applications. They will identify contemporary population groups in the world that would ben- efit from the applications of this technology and discuss current barriers to extending the benefits of this technology universally. Activity TIG.3.7. Discussing Energy and Environmental Systems Students will watch and discuss Al Gore’s TED Talk (https://www.ted.com/ talks/a1_gore_warns_on_latest_clirnate_trends ?language=en) . This video provides background knowledge on the energy crisis and global warming. Students will then analyze the merits and drawbacks of the various 411