Empowering Global Citizens Activity TIG.3.4 Introduction to Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, and Health Care The teacher will provide an introductory overview to biotechnology, of- fering a definition of the field and covering molecular biology, DNA, the recombination of DNA, genetic engineering and stem cells, cloning, and gene therapy. Students then watch Daniel Reda’s “An Introduction to Biotechnology” from Singularity University (http://www.evolution—radar.tv/daniel-reda/ an—introduction—to—biotechnology—and—bioinformatics—video__8 1fbc90a0. htrnl). The teacher then shows clips from a video that illustrates some contemporary applications of biotechnology. The teacher could show clips on genetically modified food (http://planetgreen.discovery.com/food—health/S—of-the~ newest—and—craziest—genetically—modified—foods«3—are-animals.html), regen— erating our bodies through medical technology (http://www.ted.com/talks/ alan_russell_on__regenerating_our_bodies.htrnl, or folding DNA (https:// www. ted.com/talks/paul_rothem und_details_dna_folding?language=en). Students discuss the video and review likely future applications of these technologies. 409