Unit Topic Themes Region Length Goals Skills Empowering Global Citizens TIG.3 Emerging Technologies and Globalization ICC: intrapersonal (curiosity about global aEairs); ethics: com— mon values; work and mind habits: innovation and creativity; knowledge: politics (global risks); investigative and analytical skills; assessing global affitirs: evaluate sources, the use of evi— dence, and creative communication; and global problem solv- ing: future studies, scenario building, and using technology) Not applicable Twelve weeks and Objectives Learn the roles that emerging technologies play as drivers of glo— balization and how they can be used to address some of the most significant global challenges. Inspire students to address global challenges through the creation of social institutions—for example, businesses, social enterprises, and others—a-that capitalize on emerging technologies. Evaluate the major emerging technologies, their benefits, and their likely uses in addressing significant global challenges. and Knowledge Students will recognize the major contributions to human health and well being advanced by biotechnology, bioinformatics, brain— computer interfaces and neurotechnology, energy and environmen— tal systems, computing and networks, nanotechnology, and robotics and artificial intelligence. Students will identify the current uses of these emerging technologies.