Fernando M. Reimers et al. 9. Telephones 10. Air Conditioning and refrigeration 11. Highways 12. Spacecraft 13. The Internet 14. Imaging 15. Household appliances 16. Health technologies 17. Petroleum and petrochemical technologies 18. Lasers and fiber optics 19. Nuclear technologies 20. Materials science For their project they will identify the contributions of the development, the economic and social applications of the development, the factors that contributed to the development, the roles played by the government and by the private sector in creating the development, how the development built on previous inventions, how the development has continued to evolve, and the possible ways in which this development might evolve in the future. Students will prepare a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the results of their research, present it in an exhibition to their class, and post it in an online platform. Resources ° The Franklin Institute’s “History of Science and Technology” (http://www.fi.edu/learn/sci—tech/) ' Time lines showing the history of inventions (http://inventors.about. com/od/timelines/Timelines_of_Invention__and*Technology.htrn) 404