Fernando M. Reimers et a]. 3. Students will explain the major social contributions advanced by at least one of those innovations. Overview In this unit, students examine the historical development of several tech— nologies, beginning with a teacher—led lesson on the history of computing. They then complete an independent research project on the history of some of the major technologies of the twentieth century. Activity TIG.2.1 The History of the Computer In this activity the teacher will lead the class in a discussion of the history of the computer, starting with the first design in 1884 by English mathemati— cian Charles Babbage of the mechanical “analytical engine.” The teacher will present a time line showing the history of computers, and the discus— sion will examine how the development of electronics, the miniaturization of processors, reductions in costs, and increases in processing power and memory have shaped the development of new applications. The class will then discuss the many uses of computers in modern life and how various activities changed as a result of the introduction of computers. This ex amination of changes might focus on the effect of computers on hospitals, banks, schools, town administrations, animation, and music compositions and performances. Activity TIG.2.2. The Evolution of Computers In small groups of two or three, students will discuss how computers have evolved over the last thirty years and consider the way these changes have affected their uses. Students will research predictions made about computers thirty years ago and compare them with actual developments. They might, 402