Unit Topic Empowering Global Citizens TIG.2 Technological Developments and Society Themes ICC: intrapersonal (curiosity about global affairs); ethics: Region Length common values; work and mind habits: innovation and cre— ativity; knowledge: politics (global risks); investigative and analytical skills; assessing global affairs: evaluate sources, the use of evidence, and creative communication; and global problem solving: future studies, scenario building, and the use of technology Not applicable Three weeks Goals and Objectives 1. 3. Learn to recognize invention as a force that shapes life and human history, to understand the relationship between scientific and tech— nological development and innovation, and to understand innova— tion as a global process that often builds on previous inventions and flawed attempts at invention. Inspire student to contribute to the evolution of existing technolo— gies and to the application of those technologies to social problems that are meaningful to them. Act: by demonstrating understanding of the historical evolution of one of the major technologies of the twentieth century. Skills and Knowledge Students will recognize the major technological developments of the twentieth century. Students will identify the ways in which those developments built on previous innovations. 401