Empowering Global Citizens For each innovation, students will prepare a report that answers the follow— ing questions: What are the benefits of this technological innovation? What previous technologies does it replace, improve, or build upon? What are the costs of this innovation? How do these costs compare to the benefits? .V‘rlkSNEQ?‘ In what way can this innovation address some of the global chal— lenges identified in the Millennium Development Goals? 6. What roles did the government and the private sector play in sup— porting this innovation? ‘ 7. What obstacles is this innovation likely to face as it goes to scale? Activity TIG.1.2. Students will then present and discuss their reports in class. In this discus— sion, they will examine the similarities and differences in the ways in which each invention disrupts an existing approach to addressing a problem. They will examine how emerging technologies have supported the invention and the institutions that have supported it. Activity TIG.1.3. The World of Inventors and the Life of Dean Kamen Students will read the book Reinventing the Wheel: A Stow of Genius, Innovation, and Grand Ambition (http://www.amazon.com/Reinventing-\X/heel—Genius— Innovation—Ambition/ dp/ 0060761 38 5). They will then write a reflections paper summarizing the main argument of the book and analyzing the contributions of Dean Kamen to society. They will examine in what ways Kamen benefited from social factors (e.g., regu— lations, access to capital, or other innovations) that supported his work. 399