THE WORLD COURSE HIGH SCHOOL SEMESTER COURSE TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION, AND GLOBALIZATION l I Ihis one-semester course examines the relationship between technologi— cal and social developments and how the acceleration of technological innovation causes social change and can address some of the most critical global challenges. Students will examine various emerging technologies and discuss their social implications and possible uses and the consequences of these developments for globalization. Unit Topic Themes Region Length TIG. l The Marvel of Innovation and the World of Inventors ICC: intrapersonal (curiosity about global afl‘airs); ethics: common values; work and mind habits: innovation and cre— ativity; knowledge: politics ; investigative and analytical skills; assessing global affairs: evaluate sources, the use of evidence, and creative communication; and global problem solving: fu- ture studies, scenario building, and the use of technology Not applicable Three weeks Goals and Objectives 1. Learn to appreciate invention as an ongoing process that un- derlies improvements to quality of life and to analyze invention 397