Fernando M. Reimers et a]. 0 Quantity wit/mat Quality: A report Card on Education in Latin America Based on their analyses, students should aim to address the question of whether higher growth enables greater human capital or higher rates of hu— man—capital development enable higher growth rates. The teacher introduces the students to the concepts of subsidies and condi— tional cash transfers. Students undertake background research and present to the class on the use of social safety nets as a poverty—reduction strategy and the use of CCTs within the countries of their choice. Students should aim to answer some of the following questions: 1. When were CCTs introduced? Why? What are the strings attached to the CCT? What does it seek to do? 3. What have experiences with the CCT been thus far? Is the program considered successful? The students can use the following resources from the World Bank: 0 http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/CO UNTRI ES/ LACEXT/ EXTLACREGTOPLABSOCPRO/ 0,, contentMDK221246 201 ~pagePKz3-4004173~piPK:34003707~theSitePK:505655,00.html 0 http://www.economist.com/node/4408187 Students read the following article about PROGRESA: http://www.econo— mist.com/node/181376. Activity DE.3.3 Is Growth All That Matters for Development? Students then read the first and concluding chapters of Amartya Sen’s Development as Freedom as an introduction to the concept of capabilities and freedom as defining concepts of development. 394