Empowering Global Citizens Overview In this unit, students go beyond traditional measures of economic growth and seek to address what inclusive and holistic development might look like. Students also examine the interrelationship between economics and politics and seek to understand the role of democracy in the Latin American growth experience. Activity DE.3.1 Study SDG Goal 10: Reduce Inequality within and among Countries Use the following link: http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/ sustainable—development—goals/. Activity DE.3.2 Investing in Human Capital in the Region In this activity, students are asked to pick a country and to collect the fol— lowing information on it: the country’s progress on the education and health SDGS, the historic rates of access to education and health care in the coun— try, and how that access has changed over time with globalization. (Use the data that the students have collected through the year on growth rates and development.) Resources 0 Unequal Schools, Unequal Chances: The Challenges to Equal Opportunity in t/ae Americas, by Fernando Reimers 0 Chapter 5 “Inequality of Opportunity in Educational Achievement in Five Latin American Countries.” Published in a 2008 World Bank Report: Inequality of Opportunities in Latin America and t/ae Caribbean 393