Unit Topic Fernando M. Reimers et al. DE. 3 Poverty and Inequality in Latin America and the Political Economy of Growth Themes ICC: interpersonal (working in intercultural teams and em— Region Length pathy); ICC: intrapersonal (curiosity about global affairs); ethics: trust in institutions; economic development; poverty; and politics: government) Latin America and Asia (Bhutan) Six weeks Goals and Objectives 5. Learn about various alternate approaches to growth and develop— ment and the role of politics in growth and development. Inspire students to further question and examine their own inter- pretations and understandings of growth within cultural contexts. Act as informed agents who understand that growth doesn’t occur in isolation and that several intertwining factors determine how countries grow and how disparities converge or diverge. Skills and Knowledge 1. Students will examine the importance of human—capital develop— ment in economic growth and development and its role in the Latin American experience through data. Students will learn about social safety nets and the use of condi— tional cash—transfer programs in addressing poverty alleviation. Students will reflect upon new approaches to development and their practical uses. Students will address the relationship between politics and econom— ics and the importance of strong governance in promoting growth. 392