Empowering Global Citizens Alternatively, students may examine data from the Economist’s Big Mac Index and examine whether the currency of the country they picked is overvalued or undervalued and how close it really is to the purchasing power parity. AoflvflyIHiZii Foreign Investments in Latin America The lesson plan from GlobalizationlOl on foreign investments in Latin America is highly recommended. Students begin by browsing through some of the content on this website. The following is a list of the questions they should answer and links to the pages where they can find those answers: 1. What are the different kinds of foreign investment (http://www.glo— balization 1 0 1 .org/issue_sub/investment/investmentintroduction/ kinds_of_foreign_investment)? 2. What are the differences between F DI and portfolio investments (http://www.globalization101.org/issue‘sub/investment/ investmentintroduction/portfolio_and_direct_investments)? 3. How are globalization and the rise of financial investment related? (http://www.globalization101.org/issue_sub/investment/ investmentintroduction/portfolio_and_direct_investments) Optional Activity http:/ / www. globalization 1 0 1 .org/ teacher/ investment 1. This activity shows an American apparel—manufacturing company that makes different types of clothing. The company is considering 387