Unit Topic Fernando M. Reimers et al. DE. 2 Exchange Rates and F DI Themes ICC: interpersonal (empathy and working in intercultural Region Length teams); ICC: intrapersonal (curiosity about global affairs); ethics: trust in institutions; and economic development Latin America, with a focus on Argentina Six weeks Goals and Objectives Skills Learn how exchange—rate fluctuations influence economic growth through FDI. Inspire students examine in depth the international financial mar— ket and its intricacies. Act as aware students who understand that globalization has its pros and cons and what the breakdown of trust in institutions looks like. and Knowledge Students will learn about core economic concepts concerning free and floating exchange rates, the various kinds of investment and their determinants, purchasing power parity, and the Big Mac Index. Students will become interested in examining how fluctuations in the international financial market might influence growth and development. Students will become aware of and informed about the Washington Consensus and its role in the Argentinian crisis. Students will learn about the breakdown of trust in institutions in the case of the Argentinian Crisis through studying personal stories. 384