Fernando M. Reimers et al. on the export of rice in 2008 to protect its domestic consumers and the 2009 tariff imposed by Mexico on US imports as a response to protectionist US policy). They will then present country profiles to the class, answering the following questions: 5" 99%.”? .\‘ What is import—substitution industrialization? What is export—oriented industrialization? How does it relate to trade? What caused the shift to this strategy? What is the history of protectionism in that particular country? Who benefits from protectionism in that country? Who loses from protectionism, and who is harmed? Are there noneconomic reasons (e.g., political reasons like HR Vio— lations or nuclear proliferation) that might be driving a protection- ist policy? Can different interests be balanced, or is it an either—or choice? What are current political opinions about protectionism in that country? Which side of the argument do you find more convincing? Why? Students could watch a selection of the following films: 1. The Seattle Syndrome, a documentary film about the protests at the WTO summit in Seattle and whether protests are the best way to bring a fair agenda to the table (http://www.bullfrogfilms.com/cata— log/lsss.html) Life: T/ve Story 50 fizr, a documentary film about how the global— ized economy affects local people (http://www.bullfrogfilms.com/ catalog/151 .html) The Economics of Happiness, a documentary about the economics of localization (http://www.theeconomicsofhappiness.org/helenabn— tedx) 382