Empowering Global Citizens Teacher Resources ' http://www.crawfordsworld.com/rob/ape/APEBrueNotes/ APEBruel 8.html ° The “Why NationsTrade” lesson plan (http:/ / WWW. globalization 1 01 . org/teacher/trade) (See the “Why Nations Trade” lesson plan) Activity DE.1.5 Is Free Trade a Win-Win Situation for All? Students will revisit some of the numerical problems that they faced when they were introduced to the concept of free trade and will now look at cases of restricted trade and protectionism numerically. In particular, students will closely examine the different ways in which trade between nations may be re— stricted through quotas, tariffs, embargoes, and voluntary export restraints. The following is a list of sample lesson plans and readings around a concep— tual understanding of protectionism: 0 Background reading for teachers (http://www.councilforeconed.org/ resources/lessons/Focus_International_Econ_Sample~Lesson.pdf 0 A resource for students that draws from the US embargo on trade with Cuba and examines why some US farmers are advocating for the Cuban embargo to be eliminated (http://www.econedlink.org/ lessons/index.php?lid=529&type=educator) 0 http:/ / www.globalization 1 ()1 .org/ index. php?file=issue&passl = subs&id=14 0 A resource on saving jobs as a rationale for protectionism (http:// www.econlib.org/library/Enc/FreeTrade.html) Students will divide into groups and pick countries in the Latin American region that have had experience with protectionist policies (e.g., Brazil’s ban 381