Empowering Global Citizens 4. Level of exports and imports over time 5. Trading partners 6. Unemployment rates and inflation Based on their analyses, the students will present to the class their observa— tions on time periods when there were peaks, troughs, and anomalies in the data. They will also examine Whether the nature of trade has changed over time, whether it has remained the same, and whether there appear to be any trends in the types of goods that are exported and imported in the region. Students will also collect similar data on the East Asian “tiger economies” (Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea) and draw comparisons between the trends observed in the Latin American countries and those ob— served in the East Asian “tigers.” The following is a list of data sources and other useful sources for informa— tion about the economy of Latin America: 0 Data and statistics on Latin America by the World Bank (http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/ COUNTRIES/LACEXT/O,, menuPKz258575~pagCPKz1467324) iPK:146813etheSitePKz258554,00.html) 0 The tables on page 73 of this academic paper about the histori— cal growth rates and predicted growth rates based on several so— cioeconomic—political factors http://www.bcentral.cl/eng/studies/ working—papers/pdf/dtbc265 .pdf) 0 OECD Latin America desk (http://www.oecd.org/about/O,3347, en__2649_33973 _____ html) Note that the second listed source may be used as background information for the teacher to draw from. 379