Fernando M. Reimers et a]. 5. Students will analyze the winners and losers in the globalization de— bate through statistics, personal stories, and core economics—based COHCEptS. Overview The unit begins with an introduction to the concepts of sustained, inclu— sive, and sustainable growth; poverty; and inequality in Latin America, and students read various current articles and reports about these topics. The unit focuses on international trade, why nations trade, the concepts of com— parative and absolute advantage, and whether trade is indeed an important ingredient of growth for countries in the region. Activity DE.1.1 Sustainable Growth Study SDG 8, sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth; full and productive employment; and decent work for all: http://www.un.org/ sustainabledevelopment/sustainable—development—goals/ . ACLiVity DE. 1 .2 Poverty and Inequality Students begin by watching snippets of the documentary The End of Poverty (http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/end—of—poverty/). After Viewing the film, the students discuss what they found alarming in the film and some of the common characteristics of poverty in the different parts of the world that the film focuses on. Students specifically discuss the differences in poverty in the different countries in Latin America shown in the documentary. 376