Empowering Global Citizens c. The economic, social, cultural, personal, and other consequenc— es of the conflict and whom they affect Consider the following four possible topics for simulations: a. Libya b. Israel/ Palestine c. North Korea d. Sudan The fifth day of the week can be devoted to a discussion about the opportunities for personal action, such as the following: http:// www. facinghistory.org/resources/units/darfur—now. Optional Facing History and Ourselves also has units and a framework on transi— tional justice (reconstruction, repair, and reconciliation) and South Africa, Rwanda, and Northern Ireland that may be relevant to this semester. Other Resources American Friends Service Committee (http://afsc.org/resource/ faces~hope—learn—about-palestinian—israeli-conflict) Joseph Nye’s book (http://www.alibris.com/search/books/qwork/ 11896747/used/UnderstandingO/o20Globa10/020Conflict0/020 andO/o2OCooperation0/0BAD/02OAn%2Olntroduction%20to%20 TheoryO/oZOand0/020History) More information on international conflicts (httpz/lwww. lessonplanet.com/search?keywords=international+conflicts&media= lesson) Envision’s resources for teachers on globalization (http://www. globalenvision.org/teachers) Optional reading (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Man_in_the__ High_Castle) 373