Fernando M. Reimers et a1. Activity GCR.6.5 Water in the Middle East National Geograp/aic produced this lesson plan on water and oil in the Middle East: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/xpeditions/lessons/O1/g68/iraqoil.html. Resource ' http://www.al—bab.com/arab/env/water.htm Activity GCR.6.6 Portraits from the Israeli—Palestinian Conflict Lookattheconflictthroughtheeyesoftwofamilieswhoexperiencedpersonaltrag— edy and loss: http://wwwcfr.org/israel/crisis—guide—israeli~palestinian~conflict/ p13850. Culminating Activity (One Week for a Series of Four Simulations) 1. The culminating project will be a series of briefing notes prepared by groups of students on various conflicts, which will then lead to daylong simulations of attempts to bring resolution to the conflicts. Students will be encouraged to think about governmental and non— governmental methods to manage and/ or resolve the conflicts. 2. The briefing notes will include the following: a. An analysis of the conflict using the frameworks introduced earlier in the semester, including a history of the conflict, the major inci— dences of clashes, and the various attempts to resolve the conflict b. A list of stakeholders and their grievances and demands 372