Empowering Global Citizens Students will read a short article as an introduction to an overview of the history of the Middle East after World War 11. They will then make a time line of the key events and raise questions about what they read in the article. In groups, they will investigate the answers to thCSE unStiODS using thC Internet and Oth€f SOUI’CES. Activity GCR.6.2 Muslim Diversity Refer to the following lesson plan, which introduces the Sunnis—Shi‘as conflict: http://www. morningsidecenter.org/teachable—moment/lessons/ sunni—shiite-conflict. Using a lesson plan from the Foreign Policy Association’s Great Decisions program, students will learn about broader Muslim Diversity. ACEiVilLy GCR.6.3 Israel: Diversity and Identity Present the various cultural, religious, and ethnic identities of the populav tion of Israel, including Ashkenazim, Mizrahim, Israeli Arabs, and Druze. Discuss the history of Zionism, the creation of Israel, and the ongoing po— litical struggle between religious and secular Jews. Activity GCR.6.4 Understanding the Middle East through Geography and Demography Use the following resources: 0 http://ncmideast.org/outreach/teaching/ 0 http://teachmideast.org/teachingtools/digital—resources—for—teachers/ 371