Fernando M. Reimers et, al. individually study the biography of a peacernaker, contact him or her (or his or her living relatives), and then report back to the class. Activity GCR.5.1 In groups, students will study the following organizations and report back to the class, identifying the following: the history of the organization, its goals, its effectiveness (examples and assessment), the opportunities and challenges that the organization faces, its budget and source of income, its major donors, its list of clients, and other information. Students will be encouraged to contact the organization directly for additional information and possibly to arrange for interviews (using technology) with representatives from the organizations. Questions for the representatives of the organizations can include the following: 1. In your opinion, what are the differences between peace building, peacekeeping, and peacemaking, and how do you see yourself work ing in those areas? 2. Do you have a framework for understanding how conflicts build and are managed and resolved? If so, can you share it with the class? 3. What are concrete ways for high school students to get involved in this issue? 4. How did, you personally come to care about and work on this issue? What are the skills that one needs in order to be effective in this area? .V‘ 6. Have you also worked in other organizations on this issue? Ifso, what were they? How would you compare them (e.g., governmental versus nongovernmental or international organizations, for example)? The following is a list of some possible organizations (there are many): 1. Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict 2. (http://www.gppac.net/) 364