Fernando M. Reimers et al. the UN after reading a variety of articles and op~eds on the UN’s role in situations of conflict. Consider having them read the following articles and documents: 0 http:/ / www.cfr.org/ un/ effectiveness—un-security—council/ p1 1520 0 http:/ / www.npr.org/ templates/ story/ story. php?storyId=61 38745 0 The US General Accounting Office’s 1997 account of “UN Peacekeeping: Issues Related to Effectiveness, Cost, and Reform” (http://Www.fas.org/man/gao/nsiad97139.htm) They can then reenact the UN Charter Conference in San Francisco and, based on what they discussed during their debate on the effectiveness of the UN, propose amendments and other changes. Resources 0 http://spice.stanford.edu/catalog/ 10009/ ° http://wwvv.amnesty.org/en/armed—conflict ° http://Www.hrw.org/category/topic/international—j ustice ° http://www.un.org/en/rights/ 362