Unit Topic Theme Region Length Empowering Global Citizens GCR.3 Just—War Theory and World War II ICC: intrapersonal (conflict—resolution skills); ICC: inter— personal (empathy); work and mind habits: innovation and creativity; culture: world history and philosophical tradi— tions; politics; and global risk: conflict Japan and the United States Three weeks Goals and Objectives 1. Learn the principles of just—war theory. 2. Inspire students to understand the complexities of making ethical evaluations and of determining whether an act of war or war itself is “just.” 3. Act by participating in a mock trial of the United States’ bombing of Hiroshima to determine whether the act was just. Skills and Knowledge 1. Students will understand the basis of international agreements, such as the Geneva Conventions, that regulate the conduct of nations in wartime. 2. Students will learn the six principles of a just war (“jus ad bellum”). Overview Students focus on World War II and discuss the components of just—war theory and its application to conflicts.