Empowering Global Citizens 3. Students will learn to interpret and use data to reach conclusions about complex conflicts. 4. Students will recognize that it is necessary to understand the geo— graphic and historical contexts of a conflict in order to understand the current situation. 5. Students Will learn skills to enhance awareness and communication. Overview Based in part on a SPICE curriculum publication, this unit examines various case studies of international conflict with a focus on security is— sues in Asia, including the following: (1) US military bases in Okinawa (2) the Korean Peninsula (3) Cambodia, and (4) the effects oflong~term conflict Activity GCR.2.1 “This activity consists of four parts. The focus of parts 1—3 is to provide students with a conceptual framework for dealing with international secu— rity issues. Students develop a definition of security and conflict and learn several conflict management and conflict resolution methods. Students also discover how international conflict affects their personal lives and why the maintenance of international security is important.” Activity GCR.2.2 “This activity examines US military bases in Okinawa. Students examine conflicts over the US military bases in Okinawa from varying perspec- tives. Students incorporate these perspectives into role plays for presen— tations in front of the class. Following the role plays, the class considers