THE WORLD COURSE HIGH SCHOOL SEMESTER COURSE GLOBAL CONFLICTS AND RESOLUTIONS Overview of the Semester 1. Introduce frameworks for thinking about conflicts, including about how conflicts build and how they may be resolved, and introduce Students to other global conflicts and their causes. A. Anatomy of a Conflict B. Choices in International Conflict, with a Focus on Security Issues in Asia (optional) C. Just—War Theory and World War II D. An Agendafor Peace E. Individuals, Civil Society, and Responses to Conflict 2. Case Study of Israel and Palestine: Conflicts and Resolutions in the Middle East 3. Recovering from Conflict: Transitional Justice (Optional) Ongoing Guided Reading Groups E ither as a Whole class or in groups of four or five students, the stu— dents will read books together and meet regularly to discuss (with guiding questions from the teacher) the sections they have read. One of the Objectives of these reading groups is to supplement the content of the course with human-interest stories on how conflict impacts people and how people, including children, react to conflict. The students will be regularly invited to make connections between What they are learning 344