Unit Topic Themes Region Length Empowering Global Citizens SPH.5 Awareness—Raising Campaign Project ICC: interpersonal (one’s own identity and culture, others’ identities and cultures, and empathy); ethics: commitment to equality and commitment to supporting human rights; global risk: society and health; and investigative and analyti- cal skills Not applicable Three weeks (Note that three weeks is an estimate of how long the in—class portion of this assignment should take. However, the teacher should begin this unit earlier in the semester so that students can work on their own issue in public health while learning about it in class. Some components of the project can be as- signed as homework as early as the beginning of the semester. However, the semester should end with the completion of this unit.) Goals and Objectives 1. Learn to understand the components of an awareness—raising cam— paign and to apply this understanding to the development of a cam— paign project. 2. Inspire in students a desire to advocate for awareness around public health issues. 3. Evaluate the complexities of public health issues through the develop— ment and execution of an awareness—raising campaign on public health. Skills and Knowledge 1. Students will understand the components of an awareness—raising campaign and apply that understanding to the development of a campaign project. 341