Empowering Global Citizens their continents and discuss the health challenges and the challenges that are shared. As a whole class, they then compare the challenges around the world. Examine specific indicators of SDG 3, good health and well—being: http:// www. un.org/sustainabledeveloprnent/sustainable—development—goals/. As a possible extension of this activity, students can use Stat Planet software to display their findings using interactive maps (http://www.sacmeq.org/ statplanet/). Activity SPH4.3 Responses to Modern Outbreaks: The Case of Ebola in Uganda Students View the following video to learn more about the Center for Disease Control’s response to disease outbreak: http://www.cdc.gov/CDCTV/ RespondOutbreaks/ . Students use this as a model to simulate the response to an outbreak within the school. As a possible extension of this activity, the World Course could link with the science department at the school and use this in—depth lesson plan that simulates using the scientific method to investigate a fictitious disease outbreak at the school: http://www.cdc.gov/excite/ScienceAmbassador/ ambassador_pgm/lessonplans/JohnsO/02OEpi%20Lesson%2OPlan.pdf. The following PowerPoint supports the above lesson: http://www. publichealthtools.com/documents—and-resources/doc_download/5 9— understanding—epidemiology—steps—to—outbreak—investigation. 339