Fernando M. Reimers et a1. 4. Students will compile, organize, and present information on a pub— lic health topic. Overview In this unit, students will examine public health on a national level. First, they will explore the connection between the health and wealth of nations. They will evaluate and use a variety of health indicators and (time permit- ting) display their own research on these indicators using StatPlanet soft— ware. Students will examine public health issues on a national level as well as with a guided case study of an Ebola outbreak in Uganda. Students will apply what they learn in this unit to an exploration of a special topic in public health. Activity SPH4.1 The Health and Wealth of Nations Students use Gapminder’s software to describe the connection be— tween the economy and health of nations (http://www.gapminder.org/ world/#gexample=75). Students define the indicators that are used and evaluate their importance. Students should investigate the variety of health indicators available in this software. Activity SPH4.2 Worldwide Health Challenges Students review the Sustainable Development Goal for good health and well— being and use the World Health Organizations website to individually inves~ tigate the health challenges of different nations on different continents. Note that each student should pick one country from a list of countries (four or five from each of the continents) and that the teacher should making sure that all of the countries are picked. Students then form groups according to 338