Fernando M. Reimers et al. Activity SPH3.2 Understanding the Contexts Presented in the Book Students should prepare reports regarding the contexts of public health pres— ent in the book. Students should work in small groups to prepare these reports. Each group should investigate one of the following contexts for public health: Haiti, prison populations in Russia, and slums in Lima, Peru. The presentations should answer the following questions: 1. What were the health challenges present in these contexts around the time that the book was written? What are some of the modern health challenges? 2. How would you describe the historical background of these health challenges? 3. What was the historical perspective regarding these challenges? What is the modern perspective regarding these challenges? 4. What is the relationship between health and poverty in these contexts? Activity SPHBB Careers in Public Health Using the following lesson plan as a starting point, students should explore professions in the field of public health: http://www.discoveryeducation. com/teachers/free—lesson—plans/careers—in—health.cfm. Next, each student should choose one career to explore more deeply. The students will then hold a health—professions career day, and on that day, they will present in— formation on their professions to their classmates. The following is impor— tant: To prepare, students should interview professionals in their field as well as investigate the education requirements, job opportunities, and other relevant information of the field. The personal connection to individuals working in the field of public health is key to this activity. 336