Fernando M. Reimers et al. Potential Linked Science Activity The following in—depth lesson plan could be used either in the World Course as an experiential learning unit or in conjunction with the science department: http://www.cdc.gov/excite/ScienceAmbassador/ambassador_ pgm/lessonplans_epi.htm. Activity SPH2.2 Then and Now: Public Health in the 19008 and Today The following website provides an interesting historical comparison be— tween public health in the 19005 and today. Advances in tools as well as thinking become apparent. This is an excellent introduction to the history of public health: http://wvvw.lessonplanet.com/register/step—1?keywords=P ublic+Health&media=lesson&title=Then+and+Now%3A+Public+Health+ from+1900+to+Today. Activity SPH2.3 What Are Some of the Advances That Have Improved Public Health? Students independently research the following advances in public health and then present them to the class. Even though they are just one compo— nent of public health, infectious diseases are used here because knowledge about those diseases has changed over the past one hundred years. Students should present both the historical and modern understandings of the infec— tious disease and explain how the two understandings have affected public health. Subtopics that may emerge include international preparedness, im— munization, sanitation, hygiene, awareness raising, disease and war, screen— ing, diagnostics, and treatment. 332