Unit Topic Fernando M. Reimers et al. SPH.2 Public Health (What’s Public about Public Health?) Themes ICC: interpersonal (one’s own identity and culture, others’ Region Length identities and cultures, and empathy); ethics; work and mind habits: cultural exchange; geography; world history; global risk: society and health; and investigative and analytical skills London Three weeks Goals and Objectives Skills Learn to understand historical changes in perspectives on public health as well as on various treatments and health issues, to under— stand the impact of advances in public health on populations, and to explore the cultural aspects of health issues. Inspire in students compassion for public health issues as well as an interest in the development of knowledge and perspectives on public health over time. Evaluate the role of information in advances in public health and demonstrate an understanding of it in classroom presentations. and Knowledge Students will understand the changes in perspectives on public health as well as the changes in understandings of health issues. Students will evaluate the impact of advances in public health understanding. Students will draw connections concerning the availability of infor— mation on public health advances. 330