Unit Topic Empowering Global Citizens SPH. 1 Personal Health Themes ICC: interpersonal (empathy) and ICC: intrapersonal Region Length (ethics) Not applicable Three weeks Goals and Objectives 1. Skills Learn about public health through an exploration of personal health, about what one needs to be generally healthy, and in par— ticular about a single topic that relates to personal health. Inspire in students a desire to maintain personal health for a high quality of life and to show compassion for others who face health Challenges. Evaluate one’s own personal health, the extent to which personal health needs are met, and health resources. and Knowledge Students Will understand broadly their own personal health needs (physical and emotional). Students will compile and organize information on personal health from a variety of sources. Students will explain and describe key information regarding one health topic of interest. Students will identify and explore linkages across multiple compo— nents of health. 327