THE WORLD COURSE HIGH SCHOOL SEMESTER COURSE SOCIETY AND PUBLIC HEALTH COURSE In the society and public health course, students will begin with their individual needs for personal health. They will then expand to the pub— lic nature of health through an investigation of John Snow’s cholera map. They will compare public health from 1900 and today. They will consider the advances that have been made in public health as well as explore careers in public health. Students will then expand their understanding of public health to include the linkages between health, education, and economics through multiple explorations. Students also read Kidder’s Mountains be— yond Mountains, a personal story about the field of public health. Students will use country—level and special—topic study to develop an understand- ing of health advances and challenges on a global scale. Students create, plan, and execute a public—service campaign around one issue of society and health. Overview of the Units 1) Personal Health 2) Public Health (What’s Public about Public Health?) 325