Empowering Global Citizens Overview The purpose of this unit is to help students to use planning skills to makes something happen. Activity E.3.1 Making a Plan Using the ideas generated in the class discussion of the student—generated scenarios, students work in teams (can be international teams if the teacher chooses) to design a detailed plan for avoiding or improving on a scenario that they chose from among the groups work. The teacher continuously prompts each group with questions like, “How will you get people to change their behavior?” and, “How will you get governments to adhere to environmental agreements?” For example, steps may include working with international en- vironmental protection agencies to advocate for sanctions against corporate and governmental polluters. The student product from this activity will be a detailed work plan for how to achieve their desired results that includes ac— tion items, roles and responsibilities, projected budgets, and more. Activity E.8.2: Scenario Planning, Part 2 After the students come up With a plan as a group, they write new scenarios individually based on the new future that they hope to create. The groups then share their visions and discuss how even with the same plan, their ideas of what the future could look like differ (or are the same). They will share these reports with students in other parts of the world. Resources: ° Brown, L. 1988. “Analyzing the Demographic Trap” in State oft/76 Wr/d, 1987. eds. L. Brown and others. New York: W \W. Norton. Pages 20—37 of the PDF. 323