Unit Topic Theme Area Length Fernando M. Reimers et 31. E3 The World as It Should Be: Scenario Planning, Part 2 ICC: interpersonal (work in intercultural teams); ICC: in— trapersonal (curiosity about global affairs and conflict—res— olution skills); ethics: trust in institutions, breakdown in trust in institutions, common values, commitment to equal- ity, valuing human potential, importance of global com— pacts, and commitment to supporting human rights; work and mind habits: innovation and creativity; knowledge: eco— nomics, trade, and demography (economic development and poverty); culture: geography; politics; global risk: environ— ment and globalization; skills: investigative and analytical skills (evaluate sources of information, the use of evidence, local—global link, and creative communication); and global problem solving: scenario building, future studies, produce media, critical consuming, and use of technology Global Four weeks Goals and Objectives Learn how to use systems thinking and scenario planning to create a future to their liking. Inspire students to use critical—reasoning skills to decide how to cre— ate the future they want. Act by bringing life to the environmental future they desire. Skills and Knowledge 1. Students will use creative, Visionary thinking to design a healthy future for our world. 2. Students will develop their planning skills. 322