Empowering Global Citizens a dam emits a small amount of greenhouse gases 2. a dam would prevent the chronic, deadly flooding that affects the region 3. a dam would provide electricity to keep pace with China’s growing energy needs. In this way, the class will learn about how some seemingly environmentally friendly solutions generate may environmental problems. They will also practice thinking about how the darn fits into the larger social, political, and environmental system. Resource 0 American University’s case studies on Three Gorges Dam 0 http:/ /www1 .american.edu/ ted/ THREEDAM.HTM 0 http:/ /www1 .american.edu/ ted/ 3gorges.htm Activity E25 Scenario Planning, Part 1 The students look at the list of issues they brought to class during the first activity and are asked to think about how the current environmental system will look if the issues continue along the same course (good or bad). The students will write a creative report describing the scenario, using actual sci— entific projections whenever possible. The students will share their scenarios with the class and discuss the steps that need to be taken to avoid or improve the scenarios they described. 321